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Home Production

What is Home Beautification?

Any room can transform into a showroom!

Your house is a very valuable asset. Let us "beautify" your house/room in order to sell or rent it faster at a higher rate. Our professional beautification coordinator gives a new life to your property! It may take a long, long time to sell a property – but our beautification can possibly close it in a month!

Case 1: One-bedroom Apartment for Rent

(at 100,000 yen/month)

Rental Package including advertisement fee (for the amount of one-month rent), home production (for the amount of one-month rent) and photoshoot, led to new tenants wanting to move in immediately for the total cost of just 50,000 yen!


Case 2: Three-bedroom Apartment for Rent

(at 50,000 yen/month)

An unpopular room remaining unoccupied for a long time was closed in just one day after home beautification! Your property stands out much more after this process.


Case 3: Apartment for Sale (at 15 million yen)

Home production led to its sale at 17 million yen, earning 2 million yen for the seller! Quick sale reduced unnecessary expenses!

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